Sunday, May 31, 2009


Salutations! I was artfully coerced into getting into this blogging community. They made it look oh-so enticing. Sneaky you! I'm usually a pen to paper girl, but I think faster than I write, which I'll take as a good thing! :o)

I guess you might be asking why the name Super girl? Well, its because she can do it all! Well besides, my mom, of course! She's my Wonder woman. The only difference is that she does it all so gracefully! Yeah, amazing-ness runs in the family! Haha

Meet my madre! :) I wrote a poem for her some years back, so I'll just end my first post with that. ENJOY!

Only You

To someone truly essential

My recognition of your

Love, commitment, and effort

The break down of your heart

Distributed through actions, words, and silence

The tenderness of your touch

The softness and directness of your words

The silence of your loving heart

The falls, the pick me ups, and the embrace

The memories of the moments

Where you presence was and is appreciated

The hand that wiped the tears when

My heart was breaking

And my soul was lost

The guidance of your radiant light

That guided me through the dark passageways

My hopes that I can be

As good as you, the best of you

My patience to only come close

The beautiful, the loving, the strength

The woman I hope to be

My mother

Lindsey Nugas

May 16, 2007

Your Supergirl <3

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