Monday, July 27, 2009

I wish it was angina :(

Wow, so that pharm test I just took was not nice at all. I feel depression welling up in my chest, and it's not angina.

Every question was ennie mennie, minee, mo... Definitely capitan of the fail boat this time around. I guess I have no else to blame other than myself. I did a little retail therapy at target and probably spent money on things I really didn't need, but I know it would of kept me from sulking at home a bit longer. (which I'm doing right now)

I just wanted to be prepared for my final because even if I'm passing the class with an A and you don't get an 85% on the final, I fail the entire class. :o( Oh gaaa... I'm depressed now..

On a lighter note, my parents just moved the magic mic from downstairs to the upstairs master bedroom...haha, they're learning a new song- slightly off key I might add, but it fills the house with life. :o) LIFE! *fist pump*

Our house is still under remodeling, I wish it was done already the dust is everywhere and then some. My dad got into the bob the builder mode and started making extra switches for different lights in the house. Putting holes here and there (with purpose of course, haha). He's such a handyman- it makes me want the same in my future hubby. Definitely a good 5 extra brownie points. I find it kind of discouraging when I know more about house and car maintenance then my man. Got to keep a good look out :oP

anyway, i'm outtie!

<3 Supergirl

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long time, no write

Hello, hello!

I have no topic in mind, so hopefully whatever comes out is something worth reading!
(If not, your loss- not mine! :oP)

Let see, I'm in need of a new camera, nothing to fancy- just something to stick in my purse- a point and shoot is all I'm looking for. (Haha, I should bring back my 35mm camera... the good old days when you would wait an hour for you film to develop! Even better, when you had no idea what pictures would come out!)

Random thought connected to pictures, No one ever takes those "Cerritos pictures" or "Expose pictures" Those were the shit back then, they were like trading cards. Picture of my face, FOR YOU! :oP

Ok, I had absolutely NO TIME to rearrange my entire room, and go on a purging rage because of midterms, but I did it anyway! I had to make room for my AC unit- my room is sweltering in the summer time- I'd wake up with a bloody nose cause it was so damn hot. Conventional oven status for sure! But now behold coldest room in the house, Woop Woop!!!

Man, no food in the house- I'm feeling thai food! Someone buy me padthai or pad see ew, legit food right there! MmMm...maybe after I study.... OoOo frenchtoast...bah tastebuds are all over the place, haha

OoOo studying, how I loathe thee.... So, I come home from work to study cause its not too hot in the house and didn't feel like driving to the local library. Of course, I end up falling asleep and woke up with my shirt was covered in pink highlighter! Really, pink highlighter must you attack me while I sleep!!??! Now I'm in need of a new pink highlighter- inks all out :oP

Okay, that's enough for now- I need to get back to my pharm notes! Peace out!!!

(Insert catchy ending)

<3 Supergirl